Saturday, August 20, 2022

Emotion Does Not Produce Faith

Faith for Tillich does involve passionate emotions; “but emotion does not produce faith.” Faith cannot be confused with emotional outbursts or feelings of rapture, though it can involve such things.
Faith for Tillich also includes a cognitive component, but only “as an inseparable element in a total act of acceptance and surrender.” If one reduces faith to a cognitive act, faith would be confused with mere belief. It would lose its quality as a living reality.
Similarly, faith involves the will, but “faith is not a creation of the will.” To reduce faith to an act of the will is to confuse it with a mere act of obedience to a moral imperative.
- Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology: Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power, p90-91

Monday, August 15, 2022

Faith on Tillich's Theology

Faith for Tillich does involve passionate emotions; “but emotion does not produce faith.” Faith cannot be confused with emotional outbursts or feelings of rapture, though it can involve such things. Faith for Tillich also includes a cognitive component, but only “as an inseparable element in a total act of acceptance and surrender.” If one reduces faith to a cognitive act, faith would be confused with mere belief. It would lose its quality as a living reality. Similarly, faith involves the will, but “faith is not a creation of the will.” To reduce faith to an act of the will is to confuse it with a mere act of obedience to a moral imperative.
In sum, faith assumes “being grasped and changed by Spiritual Presence,” without which faith is degraded “into a belief, an intellectual act produced by will and emotion”. Human capacities cannot ultimately account for the reality of faith.
Faith as an intellectual capacity is impossible in part because of the pneumatological nature of revelation. The Spiritual Presence grants not abstract meaning but rather “meaning-bearing power which grasps the human spirit in ecstatic experience”
Faith is the state of being grasped by the transcendent unity of unambiguous life— it embodies love as the state of being taken into that transcendent unity”. The quality of our love, however, is not the basis of justification. In justification, “we surrender our goodness to God” and affirm unambiguous life in the midst of the ambiguity and estrangement of finite existence. Justifying faith as a transformative reality also locates justification within regeneration and healing as the more encompassing soteriological reality. Tillich is adamant in maintaining that “faith means being grasped by a power that is greater than we are, a power that shakes us and turns us, and transforms us and heals us.”

Paul Tillich and Pentecostal Theology : Spiritual Presence and Spiritual Power, p90-92

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Theology and Philosophy

The Task of Theology

The task of theology is to acquire not observational knowledge about God (as in naturalistic empiricism) or conceptual mastery of him (as in idealistic rationalism) but an understanding of his will and purpose disclosed in Jesus Christ, an understanding that eventuates in obedience. What characterizes theology is not the comprehension of divine mysteries nor the apprehension of human possibilities but fidelity to the Word of God, which involves acknowledging human limitations but also confessing the gift of divine illumination in the midst of these limitations.
Theology can never be definitive, for it is always a contemporary exposition of the definitive biblical word. It does not precede proclamation in the form of prediscussion but follows it in the form of reflection (Thielicke).
From the evangelical perspective, our knowledge of God is neither synthetic nor analytic in the purely philosophical sense. We do not take the way of idealism, seeking to analyze the individual parts of a comprehensive unified picture of reality. Nor do we take the way of empirical rationalism, striving for a unified vision of the various facets of experience. Instead, our task is simply to reiterate or reaffirm what is given in revelation, humbly listening to God’s Word and then endeavoring to translate this Word into human thoughts, words and actions. At the same time, we try as best we can to arrive at a coherent or comprehensive picture of reality by interpreting the whole of experience in the light of God’s Word. This picture will always be incomplete and open–ended, however, since the total vision of reality lies beyond the compass of human reason, even one informed by faith.
A Case for Theonomy
Theology’s criterion is the will and purpose of God as demonstrated in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, attested in Holy Scripture. The focus of theology is neither on divine essence nor on human existence but on divine existence in humanity as we see this in Jesus Christ. Philosophy is inclined to champion autonomy, trusting in the self for direction and certainty, as opposed to heteronomy, submission to an external standard or power alien to the self (Kant). Theology presents a case for theonomy, in which the self submits to an authority beyond the self that is at the same time its ground and goal.
In philosophy reality signifies either mind or matter, or an underlying unity between them, such as force or energy. In theology the prime reality is the living God, who brings the world of temporality and materiality into being and creates the energy that vitalizes this world. Moreover, this living God is not reducible to mind or thought but instead constitutes a dynamic unity of will and intelligence, of being and action. He is the self–existing and self–sustaining One (Causa sui) whose knowledge encompasses all human perceptions and conceptions but at the same time infinitely transcends them.
Idol by Imagination v.s. True God
I agree with Pascal that the God of the philosophers is something other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is the difference between an idol created by the imagination and the experience of the true God. The relation between theology and philosophy is not one of synthesis or correlation but one of conflict and contradiction.
The passionate concern of theology is “God’s search for man,” not “man’s quest for God” (Barth). Our knowledge of God is based on God’s gracious initiative toward us, not on our perceptivity or striving. For Plato we reach the ultimate principle of unity by “pure intelligence.” For Plotinus we reach this principle by inward purification and ecstatic self–transcendence. For Kant we reach it by practical reason or moral will. For the theologian we receive it when we are confronted by the living Christ in the awakening to faith.

- Donald G. Bloesch, A Theology of Word and Spirit: 
Authority & Method in Theology, pp39-44.


Monday, August 1, 2022

The Supposed Warfare between Christianity and Science

Real science arose only once: in Europe. China, Islam, India, and ancient Greece and Rome each had a highly developed alchemy. But only in Europe did alchemy develop into chemistry. By the same token, many societies developed elaborate systems of astrology, but only in Europe did astrology lead to astronomy. Why?
The answer lies in the Christian West’s view of God, creation and humanity. Unlike cultures elsewhere, “Christians developed science because they believed it could be done, and should be done.” 
Philosopher and mathematician Alfred North Whitehead noted in Science and the Modern World that the medievalists insisted on “the rationality of God, conceived as with the personal energy of Jehovah and with the rationality of a Greek philosopher. Every detail was supervised and ordered: the search into nature could only result in the vindication of the faith in rationality.”
Lacking any doctrine of creation, these other cultures could only posit a universe that is, “a supreme mystery, inconsistent, unpredictable, and arbitrary. For those holding these religious premises, the path to wisdom is through meditation into mystical insights and there is no occasion to celebrate reason.” But Christianity, on the contrary, “depicted God as a rational, responsive, dependable, and omnipotent being and the universe as his personal creation, thus having a rational, lawful, stable structure, awaiting human comprehension.”

Douglas Groothuis, Christian Apologetics: 
A Comprehensive Case for Biblical Faith, 2011.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

How Unlearning Can Keep You Relevant

We must regularly look for areas to unlearn, relearn, and breakthrough.

Unlearning is the process of letting go, reframing, and moving away from once-useful mindsets and acquired behaviors that were effective in the past, but now limit success. 

Unlearning is not about forgetting or discarding your knowledge—it’s the conscious act of letting go of outdated information and making space new ideas to inform your decision-making and actions.

Relearning means using that new information to take new, uncomfortable steps that will help you get the breakthroughs you’re looking for. 

I believe that facing these challenging circumstances is when most of our growth happens. But you have to have the humility to recognize when your existing behavior and thinking is stalling your growth—when it’s time to unlearn. 

How to Start Unlearning

The simple answer is to start with yourself—notice the areas where you’re struggling or feeling uncertain in your life or work.

We all know that product features have to be continuously updated and innovated to stay relevant in the market. It’s the same for us humans—we have to update our perceptions, our knowledge, and our behavior to stay relevant in our market. 

Identifying What You Need to Unlearn

We’ve all been going through major changes, the likes of which we’ve never experienced before. Maybe it’s a change in how you personally work, or something as large as your strategy to keep your business alive.

Whatever your situation, if you sense it’s time for self-assessment or you might need to switch it up, ask yourself these questions:
  • Where have you not been living up to the expectations you have for yourself or achieving the outcomes you’re aiming for?
  • What situations are you struggling with or avoiding?
  • Where have you tried everything you can think of to solve a problem, but you’re still not getting the breakthrough you’re looking for?
The answers to these questions can provide important signals for what you need to unlearn. 

I regularly find that the best unlearners are people that cultivate certain characteristics within themselves that allow them to continuously adapt to changing circumstances.

Although there are many such characteristics that help the process, I believe there are really just five that make the biggest difference: curiosity, ownership, commitment, comfort with discomfort, and creating safety. 

1. Curiosity
2. Commitment - Unlearning requires commitment, because you’re going to have to do things that you’re not good at and tackle more and more difficult tasks to truly unlearn. 
3. Ownership When you don’t get the results you’re aiming for, what’s your usual response? People who are great unlearners own the results. Because they come from a place of truth rather than ego, they want the real information to make better decisions—not to cast blame on others. 
4. Comfort with Being UncomfortableDiscomfort comes with the territory. Great unlearners consciously go outside their comfort zone and find their edges with excellence to adapt and improve. It’s not always pleasant to go through the unlearning process, but those who persevere are far more likely to succeed and reach the payoff they’re after. 
5. Creating Safety - Start small and focus on yourself. Create safety by taking small steps, safe-to-fail experiments and creating fast feedback loops. That way you can learn what works and what doesn’t as you try new behaviors to grow your capabilities.

Barry O'Reilly, excerpt from:

Thursday, July 28, 2022

The Netflix Controversy

Netflix is an internet entertainment service that offers movies and television series to subscribed members. It was founded in 1997 and has now around 150 million subscribers worldwide. Since the early 2010s, Netflix also took an increasingly important role as producer and distributer of films and TV series. The rise of this player bypassing traditional channels of distribution of audiovisual contents has generated several controversies.
Attacking theatrical release windows
For decades, the movie industry has relied on a system of release windows; movies were first released in movie theatres, for around 17 weeks, before being available for sales in VHS or DVD. As Netflix became progressively a major film producer and distributor, it has been at the forefront in attacking this system. Netflix movies have had limited theatrical releases in order to prioritize the subscribers of the platform. But this move has been met with some resistance in the movie industry. As a matter of fact, the organisation running the Academy Awards considered rendering films with less than 4 weeks of theatrical release ineligible to be nominated for Oscars. That said, in the 2019 91st Academy Awards, the film “Roma”, distributed by Netflix after only three weeks of exclusive theatrical release, received three Oscars. Netflix stated that its aim is to make movies accessible to those who cannot afford to go to a movie theatre or do not have one in their own town.
Avoiding corporate taxes
A second controversy has risen from the fact that in many of the countries where Netflix is operating, it manages to get away without paying corporate taxes. Despite generating hundreds of millions in revenue in various European countries – for example, 500 million Pounds in the UK and 315 million Euros in France were reported for 2017 – it declares only very little profit, and pays from little to no tax in these countries. Users who subscribe to the service have a contract with a branch of the firm based in the Netherlands. Through this system, the firm manages to avoid paying most of its corporate taxes. Such practices are widespread among large Internet firms. To respond to critics, Netflix stresses that in the countries where it generates revenue it invests in local movie production companies, bringing benefit to the local audio-visual productions.

-, European University Institute (EUI)

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Culture in the Digital Age

Philip Kern (KEA) discusses how different sectors of the creative economy have had to come up with new economic models in order to adjust to the digital era. In the following excerpts, he describes specifically the case of music:

The main impact is to actually facilitate the production. The cost of producing has been reduced definitely. It’s also enables people or artists to produce directly, to auto-produce, to self-produce to be directly in contact with a consumer through digital networks. So definitely the impact has been a reduction of cost of production, the availability of production tools at retail level, even to film, to do audio recordings and to make it available directly through distribution channels.

Of all Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), music has suffered the most from the digital revolution, being hit by digital piracy, the reduction of physical sales (away from highly profitable retail stores), the development of new distribution channels with different monetisation logics (Apple - iTunes setting the precedent by establishing prices of downloads independently of the industry). This industry disruption is driven by new powerful digital players, the development of new business models and new consumption patterns with the instant availability of music on mobile devices and, most specifically, the rise of music streaming. … 

Taken as a whole the revenue of the music industry has severely declined over the last 16 years, essentially due to the decline in sales of packaged music (recorded music in the form of CDs) - the turnover of the recorded music industry significantly dwindled since 2000 (from EUR 32 billion in 2001 to EUR 13 billion in 2014 – worldwide data). The recent 3.2% increase in recording revenues (in 2015) should, however, be noted. The boom of live music and digital sales has not yet compensated the lost sales: digital sales represented EUR 1.3 billion for EU markets in 2014. …

Artists have suffered from the industry’s painful restructuring and have been forced to adapt to a new landscape. They are playing a greater role in fighting for consumers’ attention by making use of new online tools, notably social media, to develop a fan base and attract the attention of concert venues, festivals, and music businesses. However, user-generated content has not replaced artist-generated content, since consumption of music remains talent driven. Artists are confronted, on the other hand, with the fact that the new generation of music fans are less loyal to given bands or music genres switching more easily than former generations. …

Nowadays artists have to make more efforts to emerge by developing a fan base, thus forcing extensive touring, which contributes to a thriving life music scene (concerts and festivals). Artists have to develop a fan base if they hope to achieve a record deal or to be able to feature in music festivals. Social media are important tools enabling artists to develop such a fan base. The direct monetisation with fans remains relatively limited and artists still have to rely on distribution specialists (the record companies) for most of their revenues.

-, European University Institute (EUI)