Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Life is Sailing

The pyramid from the sixties told a story that Maslow never meant to tell; a story of achievement, of mastering level by level until you’ve “won” the game of life. But that is most definitely not the spirit of self-actualization that the humanistic psychologists emphasized. The human condition isn’t a competition; it’s an experience. Life isn’t a trek up a summit but a journey to travel through—a vast blue ocean, full of new opportunities for meaning and discovery but also danger and uncertainty. In this choppy surf, a clunky pyramid is of little use. Instead, what is needed is something a bit more functional. We’ll need a sailboat.
As we sail through the adventure of life, it’s rarely clear sailing. The boat itself protects us from seas that are rarely as calm as we’d like. Each plank of the boat offers security from the waves. Without it, we’d surely spend all our energy trying to stay above water. While even one plank is better than nothing, the bigger the boat, the more waves you can endure. Likewise in life, while safety is an essential foundation for feeling secure, adding on strong connections with others and feelings of respect and worthiness will further allow you to weather the storms.
Having a secure boat is not enough for real movement, however. You also need a sail. Without a sail, you might be protected from water, but you wouldn’t go anywhere. Each level of the sail allows you to capture more wind, helping you explore and adapt to your environment.
Note that you don’t “climb” a sailboat like you’d climb a mountain or a pyramid. Instead, you open your sail, just like you’d drop your defenses once you felt secure enough. This is an ongoing dynamic: you can be open and spontaneous one minute but can feel threatened enough to prepare for the storm by closing yourself to the world the next minute. The more you continually open yourself to the world, however, the further your boat will go and the more you can benefit from the people and opportunities around you. And if you’re truly fortunate, you can even enter ecstatic moments of peak experience—where you are really catching the wind. In these moments, not only have you temporarily forgotten your insecurities, but you are growing so much that you are helping to raise the tide for all the other sailboats simply by making your way through the ocean. In this way, the sailboat isn’t a pinnacle but a whole vehicle, helping us to explore the world and people around us, growing and transcending as we do.
- Scott Barry Kaufman, Transcend: The New Science of Self-Actualization, 2020

Friday, July 28, 2023

Learning How to Learn

In essence people have two fundamentally different modes of thinking: focused and diffuse. 
Focused Mode
- has tight spacing for the rubber bumpers, which seems to, in some sense help keep your thoughts concentrated
- is centered on the prefrontal cortex and it often seems to involve thinking about things you are somewhat familiar with. 
- stepping along the somewhat familiar pathways 
Diffuse Mode
- has more widely spaced bumpers that allow for more broad ranging ways of thinking
- to solve or figure out something new
When we find ourselves stuck on a problem, or even if we're unsure of a situation, the course of living our daily life. It's often a good idea once you've focused directly on the situation. To let things settle back and take a bit more time. That way more neural processing can take place, often below conscious awareness in the diffuse mode. The thing is it often takes time for neural processing to take place, and time, as well, to build the new neural structures that allow us to learn something new. 
It's through practice and repetition that we can help enhance and strengthen the neural structures we're building as we're learning something new. Practice and repetition is particularly important for more abstract topics. 

Working Memory vs Long Term Memory

Memory of course is an important aspect of learning. There are four slots in our working memory. Things can fall out of those slots unless we keep repeating them to hold them in mind. In that sense working memory is like a not very good blackboard. 

Long term memory, on the other hand, is like a storage warehouse. If you practiced and repeated something well enough to get it into long-term memory, you can usually call it up later if you need, although you may need an occasional bit of repetition to freshen the memory up. 

It's never a good idea to cram your learning by repeating things many times all in one day. Because that's like trying to build muscle by lifting weights all in one day there's no time for solid structures to grow. 

- Barbara Oakley, Learning How to Learn, by Deep Teaching Solutions.

Saturday, July 30, 2022

How Unlearning Can Keep You Relevant

We must regularly look for areas to unlearn, relearn, and breakthrough.

Unlearning is the process of letting go, reframing, and moving away from once-useful mindsets and acquired behaviors that were effective in the past, but now limit success. 

Unlearning is not about forgetting or discarding your knowledge—it’s the conscious act of letting go of outdated information and making space new ideas to inform your decision-making and actions.

Relearning means using that new information to take new, uncomfortable steps that will help you get the breakthroughs you’re looking for. 

I believe that facing these challenging circumstances is when most of our growth happens. But you have to have the humility to recognize when your existing behavior and thinking is stalling your growth—when it’s time to unlearn. 

How to Start Unlearning

The simple answer is to start with yourself—notice the areas where you’re struggling or feeling uncertain in your life or work.

We all know that product features have to be continuously updated and innovated to stay relevant in the market. It’s the same for us humans—we have to update our perceptions, our knowledge, and our behavior to stay relevant in our market. 

Identifying What You Need to Unlearn

We’ve all been going through major changes, the likes of which we’ve never experienced before. Maybe it’s a change in how you personally work, or something as large as your strategy to keep your business alive.

Whatever your situation, if you sense it’s time for self-assessment or you might need to switch it up, ask yourself these questions:
  • Where have you not been living up to the expectations you have for yourself or achieving the outcomes you’re aiming for?
  • What situations are you struggling with or avoiding?
  • Where have you tried everything you can think of to solve a problem, but you’re still not getting the breakthrough you’re looking for?
The answers to these questions can provide important signals for what you need to unlearn. 

I regularly find that the best unlearners are people that cultivate certain characteristics within themselves that allow them to continuously adapt to changing circumstances.

Although there are many such characteristics that help the process, I believe there are really just five that make the biggest difference: curiosity, ownership, commitment, comfort with discomfort, and creating safety. 

1. Curiosity
2. Commitment - Unlearning requires commitment, because you’re going to have to do things that you’re not good at and tackle more and more difficult tasks to truly unlearn. 
3. Ownership When you don’t get the results you’re aiming for, what’s your usual response? People who are great unlearners own the results. Because they come from a place of truth rather than ego, they want the real information to make better decisions—not to cast blame on others. 
4. Comfort with Being UncomfortableDiscomfort comes with the territory. Great unlearners consciously go outside their comfort zone and find their edges with excellence to adapt and improve. It’s not always pleasant to go through the unlearning process, but those who persevere are far more likely to succeed and reach the payoff they’re after. 
5. Creating Safety - Start small and focus on yourself. Create safety by taking small steps, safe-to-fail experiments and creating fast feedback loops. That way you can learn what works and what doesn’t as you try new behaviors to grow your capabilities.

Barry O'Reilly, excerpt from:

Thursday, June 30, 2022




Thursday, June 9, 2022




Monday, June 6, 2022






- Cordula Nussbaum,《谢谢,但今天不行》

Sunday, June 5, 2022








- 李尚龙,《你只是看起来很努力》 

Wednesday, June 1, 2022





- 阿德勒,《洞察人性》




Friday, December 31, 2021

Why We Must Read Books

Books are vital in cultivating wisdom—not only for the truths they contain, but also for the way they help us think. In our distracted age, books give us perspective, focus, and space to reflect. Reading books—a wide variety, from different eras and places and worldviews, both fiction and nonfiction—keeps our anachronism and self-centeredness in check. They educate us, help us make connections across disciplines, and open up the world.
Books Help Us Connect, Explore, Think Well

When we read books, we are stepping into another’s shoes. We are entering the author’s world, giving our attention to the author’s perspective for an extended time. This last part is key. It’s hard to develop empathy when you only read a tweet by someone; but a book-length immersion in someone’s world creates the opportunity for understanding. The act of reading a book is literally the act of being “quick to listen, slow to speak.” In literary fiction, we develop empathy by getting inside characters’ minds. We may love or hate them, but to the extent that we listen to and live with them for a time, we can learn from the particularity of their existence. Research shows that literary fiction especially helps readers develop empathy—a better understanding of the complexity of what others are thinking and feeling.
We read to connect, but also to explore. Even though we technically read a book without ever physically going anywhere, we all know the feeling of how a book transports us to other places and other times.
There is a growing body of research that shows the powerful ways reading books—long, immersive reading in contrast to the fragmented, quick-scan reading we do online—strengthens our brains’ abilities to think well.
Books Confront the Noise
At a time when the glut, speed, and tailored-to-you nature of information is making us ever more prone to misinformation and unsound wisdom, reading books offers a powerful antidote. Books confront the “too much information” problem by focusing our attention on one thing for a longer, deeper time. They confront the “too fast” problem by forcing us to sit with one writer’s perspective for long enough to really grapple with it. Books challenge the “too focused on me” problem by putting us in another’s shoes.
Books give us solid grounding at a time when everything is up for grabs. They offer rubrics to better evaluate the barrage of information we face in today’s world. In a world of snapshots and soundbites, books offer fuller context, and as Andy Crouch writes, “generally speaking, the older the book, the deeper the context.”
Books Help us to Change
But reading is not merely a defensive act. To read and learn well we must also be teachable, willing to let our guard down enough to be impressionable (but not gullible). When we open a book we should be ready to be changed, open to being convinced, eager to learn something we didn’t know. If you think you know everything, you’ll have no use for books; if you are humble and curious (key foundations for a life of wisdom), you’ll devour them.
This is a key, yet countercultural, aspect of reading well. We live in a “death of expertise” world, after all. Our prevailing hermeneutic is suspicion. We are more comfortable proclaiming ourselves experts than we are being swayed or influenced by others. That’s why today’s discourse is at an impasse. We’ve so emphasized “you do you” liberty that expert knowledge, educated consensus, and logic no longer matter. It’s the problem educators face when they so emphasize students “learning to think for themselves” that the teacher’s own credentials and authority to adjudicate right and wrong answers loses any force.
Greatest Book

Still, we must put these books in their proper place. It would be folly to build one’s wisdom diet around great books but not also the greatest book, the Bible. Without the reference point of God, the “truth” of books is relative. One reader might find a book true, while another finds it false. There can be no consensus on canon if there is no transcendent reference point for words like good, true, and beautiful. “The only guarantor of communal truth is transcendent truth,” writes David Lyle Jeffrey. “Without intellectually accountable access to the Greater Book, very many lesser, yet still very great, expressions of truth may go without understanding.”
- Brett McCracken, The Wisdom Pyramid:
Feeding Your Soul in a Post-Truth World, 2021

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Discomfort of Growth

Writer Alice Walker on the discomfort of growth:

"Some periods of our growth are so confusing that we don’t even recognize that growth is happening. We may feel hostile or angry or weepy and hysterical, or we may feel depressed. It would never occur to us, unless we stumbled on a book or a person who explained to us, that we were in fact in the process of change, of actually becoming larger than we were before.

Whenever we grow, we tend to feel it, as a young seed must feel the weight and inertia of the earth as it seeks to break out of its shell on its way to becoming a plant. Often the feeling is anything but pleasant.

But what is most unpleasant is the not knowing what is happening. Those long periods when something inside ourselves seems to be waiting, holding its breath, unsure about what the next step should be... for it is in those periods that we realize that we are being prepared for the next phase of our life and that, in all probability, a new level of the personality is about to be revealed."

Monday, November 30, 2020


2. “生命时钟”模型,理解自己的人生规划
3. “生命时钟”模型,重构自己的人生规划蓝图
4. “三条命”的维度思考自己的生命
5. 用角色拆分法,来分解当月任务
6. 给自己留出一些空闲资源
7. “1—3—5工作法”来分类工作
8. “乐高积木法”来灵活安排任务
9. 如何复盘自己有没有成长
10. 成人学习和学校教育的区别
11. 如何反向渗透一个专业知识体系
12. 你在用哪一种交换法则来赚钱
13. 收入增长的第二阶段,拿技术换钱
14. “犯错积累”变成“试错积累”,你会信心百倍
--- 柏永辉,《我的第一本人生规划手册》,2020.

Thursday, November 5, 2020

高效能 ~ 连接点与点



connecting the dots(连接点与点)-  意思是,最开始看起来毫无关联的相互分散的点,将来很有可能相连成线甚至面。

假设现在有两个学生都还未确定将来的去向,都在一边上学一边思考着将来的发展方向。A同学只去上自己觉得有必要的课,剩下的时间经常出去与人会面,并且买了很多书和电子书籍,利用空闲时间阅读,也积极地与打工的伙伴交流,还用赚来的钱去旅游。B则去上所有的课,没有打工,非常认真地在学习。那么,为了将来能够“connecting the dots”,取得很大成就,哪种方式更可取呢?



--- [日]知琳,《时间力》,2019.