Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Overtourism: Code of Conduct

The idea came from Palau, one of the world's smallest nations. And it changed the travel world forever.

Back in 2015, Palau had a problem: new flight routes had created a huge upsurge in visitor numbers, to the point where those tourists outnumbered locals eight to one.

The revenue was welcome in this Micronesian outpost, but the effect of those visitors was not, the sheer weight of numbers putting pressure on Palau's infrastructure, water supply and natural environment.

So the country came up with a novel solution, asking all visitors upon entry to sign the "Palau Pledge", in which they promised to "tread lightly, act kindly and explore mindfully".

"Palau Pledge"

The pledge is a code of conduct, a contract between visitors and locals, a commitment to do the right thing to protect a fragile nation.

Clearly, other destinations took note because there are now multiple tourist hotspots around the world that have introduced a recommended code of conduct for visitors, both to curb poor behaviour and inform those trying to do the right thing of best practice as popular spots struggle under the weight of numbers.

The likes of Kyoto, Bali and even Amsterdam have specified the way they want visitors to act to lessen the impact on locals and their environment.

These are the new rules of travel, which are clearly necessary given the well-publicised poor behaviour of certain tourists in the past few years.

Though some destinations are open about their desire to curb visitor behaviour, others are a little more low-key. Still, any place that is experiencing overtourism will be seeking to strike a balance between allowing visitors access, and keeping the effects of that visitation to a minimum.

Below are some of those fragile though ever-popular destinations, with our guide (and theirs) to how best to conduct yourself to ensure minimum impact and maximum enjoyment for all. Think of it as a Palau Pledge – only, for every destination.

Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto is a classic case of overtourism, a historic and beautiful city that is also quite small with a population of about 1.5 million. Yet it attracts more than 70 million visitors a year. This has led to significant problems for locals, who are unable to move about their city, to shop, dine and indulge in their cultural heritage in the same way they used to.

The Kyoto City Tourism Association has released a "Kyoto Tourism Code of Conduct", a series of recommendations for visitors to lessen their impact. These recommendations include advice on cultural education and respect, encouraging visitors to interact with locals and participate in festivals and events, and even asking that they don't leave leftover food when dining at restaurants (which is seen as very wasteful in Japanese culture).

One of the ways visitors can ease the burden is to seek attractive alternative destinations, such as Kanazawa and Sakata. If you are going to visit Kyoto, refrain from photographing and hassling geiko and maiko (popularly called geisha) on the streets, and try to travel by subway instead of using the over-crowded bus system.

Amsterdam, Netherlands

Here is another classic case of an intensely popular destination that is also locked into a small area with little room for overflow. Amsterdam is home to a little under a million people, yet welcomes more than 21 million visitors a year, many of whom are drawn by the liberal, party-going reputation this city has. That means a lot of drunk, rowdy tourists in a small space.

Amsterdam's tourism bureau has released a list of rules and regulations for visitors, introducing on-the-spot fines of €150 ($250) for acts of public nuisance such as littering, noise pollution and public urination, while drunkenness and the use of marijuana in the old city centre now carry a €100 fine.

Acting appropriately in Amsterdam isn't difficult – if what you're doing would be illegal or upsetting at home, there's a good chance it will be in the Netherlands, too. Authorities want visitors to go out and have fun but to do it in a way that doesn't negatively affect residents.

Machu Picchu, Peru

Not so long ago, Machu Picchu was a niche destination, considered too far off the beaten track for many travellers. Since the turn of the century, however, the Incan citadel's popularity has exploded, with more than a million visitors tramping across this UNESCO heritage-listed site every year. These tourists have been causing permanent damage to the ruins and the surrounding landscape.

Peruvian authorities are clearly torn. On one hand, several sections of Machu Picchu have been closed indefinitely to tourists; those visitors must now follow marked trails, and the number of daily entrants to the site has been capped at 3800. On the other hand, that daily cap will rise next year to 4500, and a controversial new airport is under construction nearby at Chinchero.

To help protect Machu Picchu, it's essential visitors follow all rules and stick to pathways on their visit. It's also best to go in the low season, around April and May, to help spread out crowds and support local businesses. Even better, give Machu Picchu a miss in favour of less-visited historic sites such as Choquequirao, Vilcabamba and Kuelap.

June to August are the peak months for visits to Machu Picchu, but April and May are cooler and quieter, and September and October are also pleasant. 

Southern Thailand

The beaches and islands of southern Thailand are phenomenally popular. Though this boom was in part sparked by the movie The Beach , the truth is that the likes of Phuket – according to some measures, the most overcrowded tourist destination in the world – Koh Phi Phi, Koh Samui, Pattaya and Krabi were always going to attract large crowds, and those crowds would always damage the local environment.

In 2018, Thai authorities took a drastic step: Maya Bay, the perfect patch of sea and sand that featured in The Beach , was closed to tourists entirely for three-and-a-half years to allow for its marine ecology to recover. The bay was closed again in 2023 for two months for similar reasons. Tourist boats can no longer land at the bay and swimming is prohibited.

It's essential for visitors to any popular area in southern Thailand to respect local rules and regulations. This is a country that relies heavily on the revenue generated by tourism, so don't stop visiting – instead, seek to reduce your impact on sensitive areas, and look to alternative islands such as Koh Lanta or Koh Yao Noi.

Prague, Czechia

Prague has been booming as a tourist destination ever since the fall of the Iron Curtain, and that popularity has led to huge changes in the historic centre of the city, where the resident population has been halved, driven out by higher prices, short-term apartment rentals, and tourist hordes. Boozy stag party groups are an ongoing issue.

Prague authorities had the chance for a reset during the pandemic and introduced "Putting Prague First", a plan to sustainably manage the tourism industry as it recovers. This means adding facilities for residents in the historic centre, more closely regulating short-term apartment rentals and appealing to visitors to travel in a way that is slower and more respectful of locals.

There are two key issues that visitors to Prague can help alleviate: the proliferation of short-term rentals, which visitors can manage by staying with traditional accommodation providers such as hotels, or staying outside the historic centre; and the behaviour of drunk, obnoxious tourists, which you can sort out by, you know, not being a drunk, obnoxious tourist.


Bhutan as a country has always been wary of tourists – the Himalayan nation was closed entirely to the world until 1974. Since then, entrant numbers have been carefully managed. The Bhutanese view their environment and their culture as extremely fragile, and so steps are still taken to curb the already low numbers of foreign visitors entering.

In June, 2022, the Bhutanese government introduced a drastic measure to deter all but the wealthiest visitors: it raised its "Sustainable Development Fee" – essentially a daily tax for foreign travellers – from about $100 a day to about $300 a day, on top of a $60 visa fee. That measure was a little too successful, however, with only 14,000 visitors subject to the tax arriving in the first six months of 2023. In September last year, the government slashed that fee to about $150 a day, effective until 2027.

Bhutan is an incredibly beautiful, culturally rich nation that will reward those who make the effort – and pay the money – to experience it. But visitors must ensure they're environmentally and culturally aware, behave respectfully and keep their impact as low as possible. Don't litter, don't steal, be polite, be unobtrusive, support local businesses and guides.

Venice, Italy

The two factors that lead to overtourism – big crowds, small spaces – clearly apply to Venice, the floating city that has been incredibly popular among visitors for decades. Venice's resident population has shrunk from a high of 175,000 to 50,000, while up to 120,000 daily visitors put a huge strain on its infrastructure and environment.

Venetian authorities have introduced measures to curb overtourism, including banning cruise ships over 25,000 tonnes from docking in the city, and beginning later this year, the city will experiment with ticketed, timed entry (checked by QR code), plus a €5 tax on visitors who aren't staying overnight.

Part of the problem in Venice is that there are too many short-term visitors, many alighting from cruise ships, who don't stay the night, and barely spend any money, but just take up space. Visitors can help alleviate this by spending more time and money, steering clear of popular spots such as Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge, while also investigating alternative destinations such as Burano, Caorle and Udine.

Bali, Indonesia

In Bali it's not so much the number of visitors, though, of course, that exacerbates the problem. The main, well-documented issue here is the behaviour of those tourists. News has travelled around the world recently of visitors to Bali exposing themselves at sacred sites, including temples, driving recklessly, drinking to excess, becoming violent, and working without permits.

Last June, Balinese authorities released a list of "do's and don'ts" for visitors. These urge visitors to dress appropriately, respect the customs and beliefs of locals, behave properly at religious sites, refrain from climbing sacred trees, and don't litter, behave aggressively, or take inappropriate photographs.

Without putting too fine a point on it, the code of behaviour required for Bali is simple: don't be an idiot. Don't act in ways you know would be unacceptable at home, and are certainly unacceptable in a foreign, more conservative country. Take the time to learn about local culture and sensitivities and act in ways that are respectful of that.

Five more destinations with rules for visitors

Issues for the German capital, which has seen a boom in visitor numbers, include short-term rentals driving out inner-city residents and local services being replaced by tourist-focused infrastructure. In response, the city has restricted short-term rentals and has also released "Sustainable Berlin" guidelines for visitors, encouraging them to stay in eco-hotels, plus shop, eat and move around the city in a sustainable way. See visitberlin.de

The trick when visiting this tourism-dependent city and country is to do so ethically and sustainably, given previous issues with water insecurity, damage to Angkor Wat and surrounding temples, and the popularity of elephant rides and orphanage visits. Visitors are encouraged to seek out ethical organisations such as Fair Trade Village, Kulen Elephant Forest and Jaya House River Park for accommodation and to obey all rules when visiting historic sites. See tourismcambodia.org

Italian authorities have introduced a range of country-wide rules and fines (from $16,500 to $99,000) for anyone caught vandalising a monument or cultural site. Tourists can also be fined for sitting on Rome's Spanish Steps, swimming in the Trevi Fountain, eating or drinking at famous sites around the country, organising a pub crawl in Rome, or even taking a photo of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. See italia.it

Yellowstone has a problem: it's really, really popular with vehicle accidents up 90 per cent, ambulance use up 60 per cent, and search and rescue efforts up 130 per cent. Staffing numbers, meanwhile, have dropped. As work on ways to deal with the influx of tourists continues, visitors can help by sticking to marked trails, disposing of all rubbish correctly, and visiting outside the busy summer period. See nps.gov

Barcelona is a relatively small city with a huge number of visitors, many of whom are there to well and truly have a good time. In response, government authorities have introduced strict new licensing laws for properties placed on the short-term rental market, banned smoking on beaches, restricted tour group sizes and limited night-time noise levels in popular tourist districts. See barcelonaturisme.com

source: https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/traveller/reviews-and-advice/the-new-rules-of-travel-14-destinations-that-are-done-with-bad-tourists-20231221-p5eswt.html

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